According to Disney Parks Blog, the Animal Kingdom has welcomed a brand new baby female Masai giraffe on Tuesday, September 22nd. She was a healthy delivery, weighing in at 156 pounds, and was feisty and excitable at her exams. She, who remains unnamed for the time being, and her mother, Mara, are going to stay out of the limelight for a while but you can expect them to join the herd in the coming weeks. This is the second successful pairing of Mara and the baby's father, George, through the park's unique Species Survival Plan(SSP), a breeding plan designed around endangered species.
The Animal Kingdom is also thrilled to announce the premiere of their new show on Disney+, showing the world the stage behind the animal attractions. The first episode is starring the new giraffe's grandmother, Kenya. The Animal Kingdom is home to 5,000+ animals. The show will be giving us an up-close look at some of these amazing animals every Friday, until mid-November. Be sure to tune in and take a look!